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Our Goals for 2020
●Service:  Develop and Expand ‘SAWI’ program,  Coats4kids Program in multiple schools, Annual Food Drive 
●Education:  Develop and Expand community educational programs including outreach to the homebound and disabled, Health Education Programs for Children, Youth Mentoring Program, Personal and Professional Development programs for physicians and healthcare professionals
●Networking:  Strengthen collaborations through programs

Network Foundation

Global Physicians

Our Deepest Appreciation

 Our heartfelt gratitude to our volunteers, donors, affiliates and supporters for your generous contribution and support. You have made it possible for us to fulfill our mission through our programs of service and education. Thank You 


Connect, Care and Contribute for the wellbeing of the community.
Engage, Educate and Empower healthcare professionals and the community.

Connect physicians, healthcare professionals, and the community.   Serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information and be a resource for collaboration.

Care for and promote access to quality healthcare in communities across the globe.

Contribute to and support physicians and healthcare professionals to volunteer and become engaged with the community.

Engage and inspire physicians and healthcare professionals to seek personal and professional development.

Educate physicians, healthcare professionals and the public to enhance the health of the individual and the community.

Empower physicians and healthcare professionals to become advocates for the health and wellbeing of the community.